The Way of Tai Chi

Tai Chi

Tai Chi Martial Arts is a combination of the essence of Chinese culture, through physical exercises, to realize the relaxation, stillness and natural state of the body, to enhance the inner essence, qi and spirit.

– Toni

Yang-style Tai Chi Chuan

Yang-style Tai Chi Chuan began with Sifu Yang Lu Chan in the Qing Dynasty. In order to consider the health benefits during the practice at the same time, the frame was finally shaped and simplified by his grandson, Yang Cheng Fu. Yang-style is one of the popular Tai Chi Chuan nowadays.

It is practiced with a neutral body, relaxing movements, rigid and flexible, in one breath, spacious and graceful. The movements require a great river like the Yangtze River, which flows endlessly. It has the effect of improving balance, coordination of movements and restoring body functions.

Yang-style Tai Chi Sword

Yang-style Tai Chi Sword is an extension of Tai Chi Chuan, developed on the basis of ancient sword techniques which is one of the Tai Chi instruments.

It combines the styles and characteristics of both Tai Chi Chuan and swordsmanship. On one hand, Tai Chi Chuan showing a relax and natural, round and continuous. On the other hand, swordsmanship showing the sword moves lightly and elegantly, practicing with the "heart to lead the qi, the qi to move the body, the body to move the sword, the unity of the sword" which has a significant effect in eliminating diseases and prolonging life and cultivating the temperament and other aspects.

Health Qigong

More than two thousand years ago, the Warring States period unearthed artifacts "Xing Qi jade pendant" on the inscription, has recorded a breathing and breathing theory, as well as in the Western Han Mawangdui ancient tomb "silk" on the map, also recorded the technique of channeling, that is, the present-day qigong.In the Western Han Dynasty, as well as in the ancient tomb of Mawangdui "silk" on the chart, also recorded the Guiding Technique, that is, the present-day Qigong.

Qigong is actually through the breathing exercises to promote the movement of qi and to achieve the method of health, will also use the idea to drive the overall adjustment of internal functions, dredge the meridians, harmonize qi and blood, to reduce stress and improve insomnia are very helpful.

Tai Chi Instructor: Toni

Tai Chi Chuan & Sword Instructor • Judge (The Hong Kong Tai Chi Association)
Baduanjin Qigong Instructor (NSLLCCMAA)
Advanced Fitness Coach (HKIVE)
Elderly Fitness & Activity Instructor (World Sports Union)
Children Fitness Instructor (World Sports Union)
Exercise Ball Instructor (WBPF (HK))
Bodyweight Fitness & HIIT Instructor (World Sports Union)
Certificate in Mindfulness Yin-Yang Yoga Teacher Training Program (Yin Mindfulness Institute)
Elementary Yoga & Pilates Instructor (Springs Programme)